Saturday, May 31, 2008


Javascript framework to build java Swing look alike web application which provide rich UI and seamless functionalities with ajax. Extjs is suitable to develop database type application and it allows rapid design of prototype to confirm the UI in the early stage of project development. Extjs has useful front-end field validation feature to check for blank value, text length, support regular expression and remote validation. All these feature can be easily enable by simple configuration. Remote validation is useful to check for duplicated information via the backend database.
Another extjs goodies is the grid panel. The grid panel does support rearranging of column, filtering tool, sorting of column and pagination. The grid panel is perfect for tabulating data for enterprise applcation. User can easily summaries the data based on their own rules. Similar to MS Excel functionality.
It is also easily for traditional website to adopt this ExtJs framework. Extjs component can be render into html div tag. Therefore existing html template can be retain and assign a delicated layer to display extjs component. Extjs component appearance depend on css. The color theme can be edited to suit the existing website UI .

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