Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Existing Bibtex Tools

JabRef [4] is an open source reference management software which is built on Java. JabRef manages references in native BibTeX format and supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. JabRef provides easy-to-use interface for editing BibTeX files and functionalities such as export, import, searching, and viewing of reference entries. JabRef has advanced features to import various BibTeX formats like BibTeXML, CSA, Biblioscape and Refer/Endnote etc. JabRef also allows customization on BibTeX fields and user-interface.

Bibi [5] named as the BibTeX Manager for editing and managing BibTeX files. Bibi is platform independent and developed in Java. Bibi provides common operations to maintain BibTeX entries and allow user to merge multiple BibTeX files with duplication detection. Bibi can ensure BibTeX file conforms BibTeX syntax and able to automatically generate keys for all entries. Conversion of BibTeX file to XML format is another tool Bibi provides.

CiteULike [6] is a free online service for academics. CiteULike provides features to allow users to easily added paper citation details into their own personal library and sharing of references with others. Furthermore user can export his own library to BibTeX or Endnote format for incorporating references into their documents. CiteULike has grouped references into different academic departments which allow users to post articles and discuss on a particular topic.

Connotea [7], similar to CiteULike, is a social bookmarking tool which provides online reference management services. Connotea allows users to bookmark any webpage they choose and for those which Connotea recognizes, it will automatically retrieve metadata of that particular webpage that is bookmarked. Connotea also introduces tagging of user’s articles which builds up a folksonomy [8]. Connotea also provides RSS feeds to update users on interesting articles posted.

DBLP [9] “Digital Bibliography & Library Project”, a website holds huge amount of computer science journals and proceedings. DBLP does not archive the actual documents. However DBLP indexes the details of published papers and serves as an information provider to facilitate researchers.

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