TCP Reno
TCP is a reliable connection-oriented protocol that implements flow control by means of a sliding window algorithm. TCP Reno which make use of the slow start (SS) and congestion avoidance (CA) algorithms to adjust the window size, have enjoyed much success to date. In particular, Reno is currently the most widely deployed TCP stack, enabling all sorts of Internet applications.
The flow on a TCP connection should obey a ‘conservation of packets’ principle. By ‘conservation of packets’ we mean that for a connection ‘in equilibrium’, i.e., running stably with a full window of data in transit, the packet flow is what a physicist would call ‘conservative’: A new packet isn’t put into the network until an old packet leaves. The physics of flow predicts that systems with this property should be robust in the face of Congestion. And, if this principle were obeyed, congestion collapse would become the exception rather than the rule. Observation of the Internet suggests that it was not particularly robust.
There are only three ways for packet conservation to fail:
1. The connection doesn’t get to equilibrium, or
2. A sender injects a new packet before an old packet has exited, or
3. The equilibrium can’t be reached because of resource limits along the path.
Thus Reno congestion control involves finding places that violate conservation and fixing them. To getting equilibrium, Reno introduces Slow-Start algorithm to gradually increase the amount of data in-transit to achieve the connection equilibrium. It has a congestion window to control the amount of data in-transit. For each data packet acknowledgement is received from receiver, the congestion window size will be doubled until packet lost or time-out event occurring.
Round-trip Timer
From above, we can notice that a good round trip time estimator, the core of the retransmit timer, is the single most important feature of Reno implementation that expects to survive heavy load. The TCP Reno suggests estimating mean round trip time via the low-pass filter:
R = aR+(1−a)M
where R is the average RTT estimate, M is a round trip time measurement from the most recently acknowledged data packet, and a is a filter gain constant with a suggested value of 0.9. Once the R estimate is updated, the retransmit timeout interval, rto, for the next packet sent is set to bR.
“Congestion avoidance” strategy
If the timer is in a good shape, the second problem stated in above can be easily solved. And we also can say that packet loss under timeout event indicate that the network is congested in 99% of problems. A packet lost is due to the congestion of the network. TCP Reno would use “congestion avoidance” strategy which consists of AIMD window policy to solve the problem.
l On any timeout or packet lost during slow-start period, the congestion window is set to half of the current window size (this is the multiplicative decrease).
l On each ack for new data, increase the congestion window size by 1 ( this is the additive increase).
l When sending, send the minimum of the receivers advertised window and sender’s congestion window.
TCP Vega
In an effort to improve the loss-based TCP Reno, TCP Vega is design base on a on delay-based scheme. It makes a prediction by observing throughput to determine if congestion is going to occur. The motive of having the prediction is to adjust the sending rate before an actual packet loss happen. The improvements made were base on the following 3 areas: Congestion avoidance rather than congestion control, Packet loss detection (New retransmission technique), Modified slow start algorithm. These modifications improvement enables an efficient use of available bandwidth, and hence TCP Vega is able to attain better throughput ranging from 37% to 71%. The data retransmission is also reduced from one fifth to one half as compared to TCP Reno.
Congestion Avoidance
For a start on TCP Vega, let us begin with the Congestion avoidance mechanism. Vega uses the difference between the expected throughput and the actual throughput to predict congestion. The expected throughput is defined as the best possible throughput. Actual throughput is the measured throughput at the sender which can be obtain by packet timestamping. The difference is use to adjust the congestion window accordingly using the following conditions:
If(DIFF*BaseRTT < a) increase 1 congestion window size
If(DIFF*BaseRTT > b) decrease 1 congestion window size
Else congestion window size remains,
Where a and b are constants values that can be determine by experimentation and DIFF*BaseRTT is actually the backlog at queue refer as N. The main key is to keep the queue size, N between the a and b threshold in order to achieve high throughput and avoiding packet overflow.
Retransmission mechanism
Moving on, a new retransmission mechanism is introduced that detect packet loss earlier and reduce its congestion window in a multiplicative factor of 3/4. When a duplicated ack is received, Vega will retransmit the packet without the need to wait for at least 3 duplicate acks if the round trip time of the leading unacknowledged packet is greater than the fine grain timeout value. When non duplicate ack is received, Vega will repeat its check if the time interval of the sent unacknowledged packet exceed the retransmission timer. Retransmission occurs if exceed. Using this technique, Vega can detect losses faster and avoiding multiple window reduction when multiple packet losses occur in the same window. The congestion window should only be reduced according to losses in the current sending rate. Hence Vega is able to deal with the Reno’s suffering of multiple drops in same window of data.
Modified Slow start algorithm
Lastly is the slow start algorithm that has been modified. The basic principle is similar to Reno, but with the ability to find the appropriate window size without the need to incur an actual loss. The window is increasing in exponential with every other round trip time. Slow start come to a halt when Vega detect a queue built up when the actual rate fall below the expected rate by a threshold, then it moves into its congestion avoidance state.
Vega’s problem areas
Even though TCP Vega can provide performance improvements, it also suffers from problems. In asymmetry network, N measures the ack backlog instead of the actual data backlog. The bottleneck in reverse (ack) network can cause the available bandwidth of the forward path (data) to be underutilized. Rerouting might also change the propagation delay of connection which is use as an estimate in adjusting window size, thereby affecting the performance throughput seriously. Persistence congestion can also pose a problem when connections keep many packets in the network which cause over conservative propagation delay estimation.
TCP Veno
Wireless has become part of the current Internet and it stands to hold a leading position in the future for wireless access network. For TCP performances, the loss of packet indicates the occurrence of network congestion, but this does not apply for wireless network because we need to consider other factors such as noise and link error. The losses caused by these factors are referred as random losses not due to congestion network. The importance to differentiate between the random loss and congestion loss is a key issue because random loss can result an unnecessary reduction in the transfer rate which is use to deal with congestion network. Therefore, any misinterpretation can pose severe resultant to the wireless network. TCP Veno is an end to end congestion control mechanism design to deal with random losses effectively. In the simplest term, TCP Reno is the combined essence of TCP Reno and Vega.
TCP Vegas, which employs proactive congestion detection, was proposed with the claim of being able to achieve throughput improvement ranging from 37% to 71% compared with Reno. Vegas could indeed offer higher throughput than Reno. However, the performance of Vegas connections degrades significantly when they coexist with other concurrent Reno connections. The TCP Veno can overcome this problem by relaxing the need to change any receiver protocol stack or intermediate network station. The modification of Reno to Veno only involves the server side. Therefore it enables harmony of coexistence.
Packet Loss Identification
The initial step for TCP Veno is the ability to identify the type of losses correctly. The essence of Vega is deploy here where the measurement of backlog at queue, N, is use to determine the congestion state of the network when loss occur instead of controlling the window size as in Vega. Any loss detection during a non-congestion state is labeled as Random loss, whereas loss detection during congestion state is labeled as Congestion loss. The usual Reno window size adjustment scheme is retained for use in Veno when there is congestion loss. A different scheme would be use for random loss. In TCP Veno, the Reno window size progressive increment remains intact when there is no occurrence of packet loss.
Veno’s AIMD scheme
The following will discuss about the new AIMD scheme that Veno has adopted.
Veno is still using the slow-start algorithm of Reno at the start-up phrase of a new connection without any modification. TCP Veno refined the additive increase algorithm of Reno. When the window size is below the threshold size, the slow-start algorithm is still used to adjust the window size. When the window size is above the threshold size, window size is increased by one every two round-trip times. This will defer the onset of self deducted congestion loss, hence keeping the connection in the good operation region longer and therefore improving transfer rate.
The Multiplicative Decrease Algorithm of Reno has been refined. A packet is considered as lost when the timeout event occurs, then the slow-start algorithm is used with threshold is set to half of current window size and window size is reset to one. When retransmit the lost packet due to the received of duplicated acknowledgement, the threshold size is set to 4/5 of original instead of half in original Reno way. In general, Veno could use any factor larger than, but smaller than one so that the cutback in window size is less drastic than the case when loss is due to congestion.
However, it is worth to note that using TCP Veno, there are possibilities that the type of loss is misinterpreted thereby causing the window size to be reduce more than what is required. In such situation, the performance of TCP Veno will be degrade as to Reno, but will not be worse than Reno in any case.
Veno’s deployment areas
In general, TCP is highly desirable in the following 3 aspects:
l Deployability: Veno only need to modify the sender side algorithm to achieve the enhance performance compare with Reno.
l Compatibility: Veno coexists harmoniously with Reno without “stealing” bandwidth from Reno.
l Flexibility: Veno is more flexible than Reno in that it can deal with random loss in wireless networks better, alleviate the suffering in asymmetric networks [1], and has comparable performance in wired networks.
TFRC, an equation-based congestion control for unicast traffic. With TFRC, sender explicitly adjusts its sending rate as a function of the measured rate of loss events, where a loss event consists of one or more packets dropped within a single round-trip time. As compare to TCP sending rate is controlled by a congestion window which is halved for every window of data containing a packet drop, and increased by roughly one packet per window of data otherwise. End-to-end congestion control of best-effort traffic is required to avoid the congestion collapse of the global Internet. Probably for real-time application, halving the sending rate in response to a drop of packet is not necessary because this cause noticeably drop in user-perceived quality. Therefore equation-based congestion control is designed to provide relatively smooth congestion control for such application.
The algorithm for calculating the loss event rate is the key design issue in equation-based congestion control. The sending rate in bytes/sec is determine by a function of packet size, round-trip time, steady state loss event rate, and the TCP transmit timeout value. The aim of TFRC is not to maximize the available bandwidth, but to maintain a steady sending rate according to congestion. This tradeoff the aggressively seeking out available bandwidth by TCP. TFRC do not reduce the sending rate in half for an occurrence of a loss event. It do reduce the sending rate in half after several successive loss events. In order for equation-based congestion control to work, required the receiver to send back the loss event rate or the calculated sending rate to sender. the round-trip time parameter is measure via the sender and receiver together use sequence number. The estimated loss rate should be measure based of a loss event which can consist of several packets lost within a round-trip time rather than the packet loss rate.
Response to persistent congestion
TFRC requires from three to eight round-trip times to reduce its sending rate in half in response to persistent congestion. For TCP, its increase the sending rate by one packet for every round-trip time without congestion. While TFRC does not increase its sending rate at all until a longer period has passed without congestion. For such situation, TFRC slower response to persistent congestion and slower increase in the sending rate without congestion.
Result of the experiment on TFRC
TFRC is generally fair to TCP traffic under different type of networks and conditions. For transmission rate of TFRC is lower than TCP on an average. However transmission rate of TFRC is much smoother than TCP flow which varies strongly even over relatively short period of time.
Multicast Congestion Control
Unicast equation-based congestion control is suitable for basis structure for sender-based multicast congestion control. Especially the mechanism of estimation of loss event rate and sender rate is adjusted accordingly. Equation-based congestion control lay a foundation for later development of multicast congestion control.
Transport protocol which provides congestion control over unreliable datagrams.
Application like streaming prefers timeliness to reliability. These applications used UDP which does not equip with congestion control mechanism. And it’s a difficult task to implement own congestion control function. DCCP is design to ease the deployment of such application without risking congestion collapse. DCCP is an unreliable alternative to TCP. Congestion control is an important aspect for internet. Customization of transport protocol such as DCCP to facilitate different group of application. There is a growth of online stream, VOIP type of applications which greatly depend on UDP. Increase in such application usage that works on UDP will pose threat to Internet congestion collapse.
Although applications can implement their own congestion control mechanism, the implementation is difficult and error-prone. Therefore a combination of unreliable datagram protocol equip with congestion control should be design to support existing application, simply deployment and reduce the risk of causing congestion to the internet.
DCCP design factors
DCCP design factors are to serve a specific group of applications and ability to support future use and must be general. Selection of congestion control mechanism such as which congestion control algorithm, implementation on congestion feedback etc. Minimize the growth of packet header size which will cause overhead. Include the explicit congestion notification support mechanism. Improvement on the UDP support over middleboxes such as network address translators and firewalls. And what other alternatives can congestion control can be implemented rather than a new transport protocol. Negotiation mechanism for reliable acknowledgements on an unreliable connection. DCCP header structure has a four bit type field to support 16 different types of DCCP packets. DCCP also has option mechanism similar to TCP. Options such as acknowledgement reporting and negotiation.
DCCP negotiation
At the start of DCCP connection, both end-points must agree on a set of parameter. DCCP provide minimal options for negotiation. Either of the endpoints can send a “change” option request. The received party cans response with “prefer” which mean it prefer a different values, or “confirm” which mean the feature’s value has changed. An endpoint may reset the connection if a negotiation is taking too long. Generic and reliable feature negotiation is design to support additional functionality. DCCP choose the handshake approach for reliable acknowledgements. A DCCP sequence number of 24bit number that increases by one on every packet sent, including acknowledgments. DCCP connection make up of half-connections. Feature negotiation for two half-connections is completely independent, and may happen simultaneously. Half-connections have significant benefits in flexibility of use.
Quiescence mechanism
Many applications have most data flow from server to client. Therefore a quiescence mechanism ensures that the protocol can handle unidirectional communication without unreasonable overhead. An endpoint is recognizing as gone quiescent if it stop sending data after some amount of time. And another endpoint will shifts to a unidirectional pattern of communication. The quiescent endpoint will eventually send only acknowledges. Both endpoints will adjust the feedback and acknowledges to exactly those acks-to-acks required for it congestion control mechanism.
With DCCP, application has a choice of congestion control mechanism. Application indicates their selection of congestion control by using congestion control IDs (CCIDs) which is being negotiated at connection start-up. DCCP provide a TCP-like Congestion control mechanism, labeled as CCID 2. DCCP operates on unreliable datagrams, therefore the congestion control framework differs from the TCP. DCCP TCP-like congestion control still make use of sender’s congestion window to limit the number of unacknowledged packets outstanding in the network. But cumulative acknowledgement field cannot be implemented in DCCP. One of the method which is similar to SACK TCP to accomplish in an unreliable transfer. Receiver transmits acknowledgement information using Ack Vector and acks-to-acks. The Ack Vector describe exactly which packets have been received and whether these packets were ECN-marked in the network. Therefore congestion control mechanism can react accordingly based on this information. Acknowledgement congestion control is important for bandwidth-asymmetric networks. DCCP, unlike TCP can detect the reverse-path congestion using per packet sequence numbers. In CCID 2, DCCP sender responds by adjusting the Ack Ratio, which controls the rate of acknowledgement stream from the receiver.
TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) in DCCP’s CCID 3
The sender uses a sending rate, and receiver will sends feedback to the sender with a round trip time basis. This feedback consists of the loss event rate calculated by the receiver. And the sender will determine it sending rate based on the feedback information. If after several round-trip times, sender has not received any feedback, then the sender will have to halves its sending rate. For such basic feedback mechanism is not sufficient flexible could have problem in the future.
And for the sender application would like to know exactly which packets were received by the receiver for several reasons. For these cases, a CCID 3 half-connection can additionally include Ack Vectors and acks-to-acks, as in CCID 2.
Some applications for example voice or video would prefer to have partially damaged payloads delivered rather than discarded by the network. This motivates the partial checksum in UDP-Lite. As DCCP is a congestion-controlled transport protocol, to implement partial checksum concept into it would be complex. For an instance, DCCP has checksum that cover the packet’s payload, for any bit error detected will cause that packet to be drop. And DCCP would treat this as an indication of congestion in the network. Corruption of packets do not generally reflect the network is congested. Therefore DCCP use a separate checksums for the header and payloads. This will prevent DCCP to mistaken corrupted packets as a signal of network congestion. However partial checksum will not be significantly efficient if the data-link layer CRC over a noisy link will always discard corrupted packets.
SCTP was conceived as a reliable data transport protocol for use on top of an unreliable, connectionless packet switching network. It features checksum to minimize data corruption. Packet loss or duplication is handled by sequence numbers which enables the client to request for resend.
Association Setup
An association (connection) between the server and client is only achieved after the exchange of four messages.
Repeatedly send an association request (INIT) and waits for INIT-ACK from server.
If no INIT-ACK received after a number of sends, error is reported to the application.
On receiving INIT, generates COOKIE and MAC and returns cookie to sender (INIT-ACK)
On receiving INIT-ACK from server, stops INIT timer and repeatedly send COOKIE-ECHO to server
If no COOKIE-ACK after a number of sends, error is reported to application.
On receiving COOKIE-ECHO, determines from MAC if the COOKIE originates from itself. If yes, it initializes and allocates resources for the SCTP connection and send COOKIE-ACK to client. Server at this point is ready to send/receive data from client.
On reception of COOKIE-ACK, stop COOKIE-ECHO timer and is ready to send/receive data to server.
Association Termination
SCTP can perform a direct abortion of the association, as well as graceful termination to ensure no lost of data. In the case of graceful termination, the protocol is defined as follows:
Requested by application to SHUTDOWN, stops receiving data and waits for all outstanding data to be acknowledged. Once acknowledged, send SHUTDOWN to its peer.
Upon receipt of SHUTDOWN, waits for all data to be acknowledged and reply SHUTDOWN-ACK
Receives SHUTDOWN-ACK and responses with SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE. All resources for the association instance are freed.
On receiving SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE, resources on this side are freed as well.
For direction abortion, the procedure is as follows:
Application requests for abort, sends ABORT to its peer. This chunk must contain the peer’s Verification Tag and not have any data chunks bundled with it.
Verifies the chunk. If verified, frees resources and report ABORT to application.
Flow Control
SCTP features flow control scheme similar to TCP. The receiver may control the window size by returning the value together with a SACK (Selective Acknowledge) chunk. In SCTP, data chunk acknowledgements can contain Cumulative TSN Ack, which indicates that all data chunks of TSN <= has been successfully received; and Gap Blocks, which indicates that certain chunks have arrived, but there’re gaps in between. Lost data chunks are transmited by the sender after its transmission timer has expired, or in the situation where 4 SACK received that reports the same missing chunks, those chunks are retransmitted using Fast Retransmit scheme.
Congestion Control
Congestion control is required for application onto a large scaled packet switched network. SCTP’s congestion control scheme have been largely derived from TCP’s, adapted for mulihoming. In SCTP, flow and congestion state information are kept for all the transmission paths.
For failure tolerance, an SCTP association can be mulit-homed. This can be setup by the initial INIT and INIT-ACK chunks sent between the client and server. SCTP monitors the state of all transmission paths by sending HEARTBEAT chunks on all other non-primary paths, which has to be acknowledged by HEARTBEAT-ACK. A transmission path may take an active, or inactive state. SCTP considers a path as inactive if HEARTBEAT, or any other SCTP chunks (on the primary path) fails to be acknowledged repeatedly. On user request, or when a transmission path changes its state, a notification is issued, which the upper layer may request SCTP to change the primary path to an alternative active one.
SCTP offers partial ordering of datagrams through use of streams. Within an association, multiple streams may be setup, where within each stream, the ordering of datagrams is ensured through use of sequence numbers. The streams are independent of each other such that no ordering of datagrams are imposed between the streams. SCTP also offers out-of-arrival delivery, which sends the message to the upper layer as soon as it is completely received, ignoring sequence constraints.
Future of Veno, Veno II
The transport layer is currently composed of SCTP, DCCP, UDP, and various implementations of TCP. They each have application specific uses. Veno can possibly be evolved to encompass all the separate protocols into a common standard, Veno II. In this way, higher level layers can be based off a common API which can ease maintenance and development of the higher layers. Veno II provide a universal transport layer to cover the different needs of application and better security implementation for wireless communication.
Since the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is likely to take a while, Veno II can act as a seamless layer that offers transparent access regardless of the version of IP used in the lower layer.
The problems of the increasing heterogeneous networks can be abstracted by Veno II from the higher layers. It can possibly offer both reliable, and unreliable based transport, with better QOS as well as an arbitration scheme to better distribute bandwidth across multiple connections.References
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Survey on SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2007.SP1 and PassMark PerformanceTest benchmarking softwares
Survey on SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2007.SP1 and PassMark PerformanceTest benchmarking softwares
Benchmarking is the output of the running computer test program, in order to assess the performance of computer hardwares. Benchmarking test include the measurement of performance on how Central processing unit (CPU) handle arithmetic and floating point instruction in units of MIPS and MFLOPS. Analyze the handling of multimedia instruction and data features on MMX and SSE2 technology. Test will be a series of random generation of simple to complex polygon graphics. To detect the (fps) frame rate per second on different resolution. The result of performance of logical drive will be in term of random access time and read/write capacity. The (RAM) memory bandwidth will be measure by executing floating and integer instructions in term of massive data swapping and paging. Conduct analysis on transfer rate in MB/sec for Processor Cache and memory sub-system. Based on all these factors will determine the overall performance of the computer system. Other consideration would be power-consumption which is an important aspect for server or portable device such as laptop. Benchmarking show the performance strength of a particular computer, but the measurement is also dependent of what applications does the end-user execute. For example, a particular configured computer might be able to handle office application rather than graphic-intensive game. Synthetic Benchmark perform test via collecting statistic of all type of operations on different kind of programs. Type of synthetic benchmarking are Dhrystone(integer arithmetic performance) and Whetstone (floating-point arithmetic performance). Benchmarks provide a method of comparing the performance of various subsystems across different computer architectures.
PassMark selling point is the user-friendly GUI, casual application, simple and direct performance result can be produce for end-users. PassMark provide a list of baselines to be selected for comparison to determine how fast user computer can perform. PassMark also allow customize benchmarking test, which experienced users can create their own test scenarios and conduct more in-depth analysis on their own hardware devices. In term of customizable input of test parameters to cover great variety of special test cases. PassMark has more features on graphic testing which is more suitable for user such as gamer to analyses their computer performance according to 2D, 3D graphic, direct X testing. PassMark assist user on decision making regarding upgrade on current computer configuration as compare to other baselines. This can avoid additional cost for poor performance.
SiSoftware focus on the aspect of support, compatibility and reliability rather than new features. Due to the speedy improvement in technology, SiSoftware would like to enhance support and improved compatibility to cover wider range in term of different platform and hardware devices. SiSoftware is able to support Linux, Mac OS, Palm OS. SiSoftware provide detail coverage of benchmarking test on every aspect of a computer system inclusive of hardware and software. SiSoftware also include benchmarking on network bandwidth which measurement is on local area network performance, the speed and latency to the internet and the rating of the user subscribed internet service provider as compare to other common ISP. It can provide full detail of the operating system information of environment setting, version and running processes. SiSoftware can also list out in-depth technical configuration of individual hardware devices such as buses, mainboard, system resources etc.
SiSoftware is not only a benchmark tool, but also known as diagnostic and system utility. In term of system utility, it can provide full detail of the operating system information of environment setting, version and running processes. SiSoftware can also list out in-depth technical configuration of individual hardware devices such as buses, mainboard, system resources etc. SiSoftware diagnostic component provide useful advices to user on security issue, optimization of current system and any preventive measure to be enforce.
I would recommend users to invest on SiSoftware benchmarking software. Because it come along with other useful utilities. And due to SiSoftware capability of supporting multi-platform, the software can be reuse on other system such as palm device or Apple computer. For PC-enthusiastic, they will be interested about the detail reporting on their computer system. SiSoftware baseline comparison is more in-depth and flexible, its allow comparison of processors itself, rather than a pre-configured system which provided by PassMark.
Benchmarking is the output of the running computer test program, in order to assess the performance of computer hardwares. Benchmarking test include the measurement of performance on how Central processing unit (CPU) handle arithmetic and floating point instruction in units of MIPS and MFLOPS. Analyze the handling of multimedia instruction and data features on MMX and SSE2 technology. Test will be a series of random generation of simple to complex polygon graphics. To detect the (fps) frame rate per second on different resolution. The result of performance of logical drive will be in term of random access time and read/write capacity. The (RAM) memory bandwidth will be measure by executing floating and integer instructions in term of massive data swapping and paging. Conduct analysis on transfer rate in MB/sec for Processor Cache and memory sub-system. Based on all these factors will determine the overall performance of the computer system. Other consideration would be power-consumption which is an important aspect for server or portable device such as laptop. Benchmarking show the performance strength of a particular computer, but the measurement is also dependent of what applications does the end-user execute. For example, a particular configured computer might be able to handle office application rather than graphic-intensive game. Synthetic Benchmark perform test via collecting statistic of all type of operations on different kind of programs. Type of synthetic benchmarking are Dhrystone(integer arithmetic performance) and Whetstone (floating-point arithmetic performance). Benchmarks provide a method of comparing the performance of various subsystems across different computer architectures.
PassMark selling point is the user-friendly GUI, casual application, simple and direct performance result can be produce for end-users. PassMark provide a list of baselines to be selected for comparison to determine how fast user computer can perform. PassMark also allow customize benchmarking test, which experienced users can create their own test scenarios and conduct more in-depth analysis on their own hardware devices. In term of customizable input of test parameters to cover great variety of special test cases. PassMark has more features on graphic testing which is more suitable for user such as gamer to analyses their computer performance according to 2D, 3D graphic, direct X testing. PassMark assist user on decision making regarding upgrade on current computer configuration as compare to other baselines. This can avoid additional cost for poor performance.
SiSoftware focus on the aspect of support, compatibility and reliability rather than new features. Due to the speedy improvement in technology, SiSoftware would like to enhance support and improved compatibility to cover wider range in term of different platform and hardware devices. SiSoftware is able to support Linux, Mac OS, Palm OS. SiSoftware provide detail coverage of benchmarking test on every aspect of a computer system inclusive of hardware and software. SiSoftware also include benchmarking on network bandwidth which measurement is on local area network performance, the speed and latency to the internet and the rating of the user subscribed internet service provider as compare to other common ISP. It can provide full detail of the operating system information of environment setting, version and running processes. SiSoftware can also list out in-depth technical configuration of individual hardware devices such as buses, mainboard, system resources etc.
SiSoftware is not only a benchmark tool, but also known as diagnostic and system utility. In term of system utility, it can provide full detail of the operating system information of environment setting, version and running processes. SiSoftware can also list out in-depth technical configuration of individual hardware devices such as buses, mainboard, system resources etc. SiSoftware diagnostic component provide useful advices to user on security issue, optimization of current system and any preventive measure to be enforce.
I would recommend users to invest on SiSoftware benchmarking software. Because it come along with other useful utilities. And due to SiSoftware capability of supporting multi-platform, the software can be reuse on other system such as palm device or Apple computer. For PC-enthusiastic, they will be interested about the detail reporting on their computer system. SiSoftware baseline comparison is more in-depth and flexible, its allow comparison of processors itself, rather than a pre-configured system which provided by PassMark.
Deployment of visual basic application in Windows Vista operating system. Conduct functionality test on the application. As windows XP user will eventually upgrade to Vista OS, therefore legacy visual basic application must be verified to be able to support new operating system.
Problem encountered, “Error 7 - Out of Memory” is due to Microsoft redistribution of the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Controls, Fm20.dll. Users must have the Fm20.dll on their system in order for the visual application to execute. However users must have Microsoft office installed which comes along with the Fm2.0.dll. As an alternative to having your end users install Microsoft Office, you can have them freely download and install the Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad, which also installs the Fm20.dll.
The best resolution is to remove FM20.DLL from the project. An alternative is to deploy the application only to machines with Microsoft Office 97 or later installed. To do this, remove the reference to FM20.DLL from the PDW or Setup Wizard file list. This prevents the install wizard from installing it. Note in your product documentation that installing the appropriate version of Microsoft Office on the target machine is a pre-requisite to installing your application.
Problem encountered, “Error 7 - Out of Memory” is due to Microsoft redistribution of the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Controls, Fm20.dll. Users must have the Fm20.dll on their system in order for the visual application to execute. However users must have Microsoft office installed which comes along with the Fm2.0.dll. As an alternative to having your end users install Microsoft Office, you can have them freely download and install the Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad, which also installs the Fm20.dll.
The best resolution is to remove FM20.DLL from the project. An alternative is to deploy the application only to machines with Microsoft Office 97 or later installed. To do this, remove the reference to FM20.DLL from the PDW or Setup Wizard file list. This prevents the install wizard from installing it. Note in your product documentation that installing the appropriate version of Microsoft Office on the target machine is a pre-requisite to installing your application.
Review of the SPIRITS
Details of the Opera
Title: SPIRITS (Chinese Opera)
Performed in five forms of Chinese Opera with English and Chinese subtitles
Venue: Victoria Theatre
Date: June 3, 2005
Time: 8PM
Duration: 100minutes (No intermission)
Due to the season of brilliance, Singapore Arts Festival from 26 May – 26 June 2005. SPIRITS (Chinese Opera) is one of the showcases to represent new revolution of local traditional Opera. This excellence play was brought to us by Toy Factory (Singapore’s leading bilingual theatre company), written by Koh Teng Liang and was directed by the Singapore’s award-winning director, Goh Boon Teck.. The play ran in contemporary theatrical styles with the traditions of five Chinese Opera forms. The cast of female roles were performed by NAN DAN and the five famous male opera master, namely, Lin Shaoling, Qing ZhanBao, Ou Yang Bing Wen, Ma Zijun and Lin Jia as Bao Si (Zhou Dynasty), Lu Hou (Han Dynasty), Yu Xuan Ji (Tang Dynasty), Ke Shi (Ming Dynasty), Sai Jin Hua (Qing Dynasty) in the play respectively. This play was divided into five acts which showed the five infamous beauties in Chinese history, whose tragic fates were intertwined with the destinies of fallen empires. These beauties were recognised as evil spirits who were despised and condemned by history. The play was enhanced with new age sound, light and movement effects to revitalise Chinese opera.
Stage Design
The first glance of the stage is based on the simplicity concept with no colourful background or fascinated props. Pure white squarish platform and 2 mechanical equipments by the left side. A lot of lighting and spot light is held on the stages to provide brilliance light effect. The platform was used for the animation graphic to be projected on it. The 2 mechanical elevators were used to perform as higher ground. The background of the stage gave a pitch dark feeling, with total contrast from the white platform to give an eerie effect.
The supporting band was more liked a rock and jazz band for Chinese Opera. Western instruments were introduced. Electric bass guitar with add-on effect device was used in order to produce special effects. Saxophone, clarinet and trumpet were then used to substitute “di zi”. With a jazzy effect of combination of western tunes into Chinese Opera gave the whole play an unique style. Violin was also been used to replace “Er wu” in the Chinese orchestra. The Violin effect gave an eerie feeling like the Japanese movie “the ring”. It produced high pitch with piercing effect and created a scaring feeling to the audiences. Drum set was used to replace the “Gongs” of the traditional Chinese orchestra which was too able to give the same effects. The tempo and melody were more acceptable by the young audiences. The overall music gave a professional and new age concert live band as compare to the Chinese orchestra. The band members are all professional musicians to come together and create a different taste in Chinese Opera.
Costumes Design
The dressing and head gear were redesign to suit the current style and gave a more trendy and fashionable image. The whole costume gave a Korean or Japanese style. But some important props were still retain like pian zi, long sleeves etc.
Personal views on the whole play
With the help of the lighting effect, lights were shine on each role who was been introduced to the audiences. This gave us a clearer view on each and every role played in this play.
Start off with Bao Si (Li Yuan Opera) Act 1. Interesting graphics were displayed on the platform. With the realistic and thunderous tunes produce by the band gave a refreshing feeling. I can feel that technology had been greatly modernise this Chinese Opera. Fire graphic was projected on the platform to indicate the surrounding on fire. In traditional opera, you will never get a chance to see this kind of fantastic effect to simulate the fire scene. Smoke effect was also integrated into the show to make it more realistic. Wu Sheng were elevated to higher ground and a mirror was used to reflect light on Bao Si, indicating to the audiences that she was the cause of the fallen empire. Bao Si was therefore recognised as the culprit of this disaster.
Second Part: Lu Hou (Peking Opera) Act 2. Excellent sound effect was used to enhance the acrobatic fighting scene especially by using the drum melody, it provided an impact and exciting scene. Using the western instrument, saxophone gave a jazzy tunes which able to represent sadness, love relationship, the loneliness of a woman. As Lu Hou did mention, “after all she still a woman”. These sentence shows how depress and sorrow she had undergo. Violin, western instrument was used to enhance the chaos scene in this Act 2. It successful elaborated a Confusion and chaotic feeling. Not only visually view of the actors to understand the scene, the sound effect is able to bring audience into deeper thoughts and reality.
Third Part: Yu XuanJi (Cantonese Opera) Act 3. The scene starts off with the flowing water from graphic on the platform and sound effect. The band provide a smooth and soothing tune for the appear of the Yu XuanJi. The actor costume is beautified with an addition bring red long cloth. New concept of this style is not found on tradition opera. The way of singing sound like sentimental song, and I feel this can be more accepted by young audiences. With the nice melody produce by the band to support the romantic song sung by Yu XuanJi. Wu Sheng bring out simple white westernise chairs to act as table of different guest on stages to illustrate the interaction of Yu XuanJi with the men. “priceless treasures are easy to find, True love are external search”, this sentence is mention many times when Yu XuanJi show her thought to the audiences. Yu XuanJi remove her head gear and knee on the ground, spin her long hair to bring across injustices situation. This scene cast traditional Chinese Opera style.
Fourth Part: Keshi (Huangmei Opera) Act 4. The falling flower petals and sky is display on the platform. With more effect, Wu Sheng had been elevated to higher ground and let small pieces of paper to be drop on the stages which give a more realistic view. New age dance is introducing here, Keshi and eunuch interaction with a long piece of cloth. Seem like western dancing style. Wu Sheng as guards appear on stages with real grass cutter machine to demonstrate the term “斩 草 除 根” means must attack your enemy from their root or base in order to eliminate it completely . This is a daring action to integral this to Chinese Opera. I was quite shock to see this on stage.
Fifth Part: Sai Jinhua (Yu Opera) Act 5. During the Qing Dynasty. (1832-1904), German allied Forces had influence China. Wu Sheng appears on stage with western dress code. And the style and performance they did are like foreign soldiers. The band can provide a 360 turn from a Chinese Opera to a western drama. Indirectly, the scene is trying to bring across to the audiences. During Qing Dynasty, the foreign have cause changes in China.
Ending with the Wu Sheng perform their attractive acrobatic skill with rods and flags. The synchronised scene of the start and the end with the five female roles to speak individually. Finally the five female roles stand in a row with neo light shine on their faces with all the lighting off. Which give a magnificent closing with ghostly feel. The performance team is invited on stages to meet the audiences.
Audience Response
It was observed that some scene had won overwhelming claps by the audiences. Due to the loud music and high pitch for certain scene, some audiences have to cover their ears. Most of the audiences concentrate on the play as if they had travel back to the past and experience the historical stories. Age group of the audiences are mainly in their 30-40. Some students, even foreigners had attended this opera show.
Recommendations of Improvement
Is good to be daring over revisiting Chinese Opera to attract new audiences to this showcase. But overdoing will worsen the purpose. This new Style of Chinese Opera might not be acceptable by some audiences. Maybe the director can remove some extreme modernise scene. As for the westernised band should cooperate with Chinese orchestra. I personally feel that some scene cannot be done without traditional tune and melody. With the westernised tune, the feeling on the scene is totally different from the actual one. Maybe the band can introduce new instruments but retain the traditional orchestra.
This showcase had opened up my narrow view on Chinese Opera. I am able to appreciate and accept Chinese Opera as an interesting art form, a meaningful and artistic way to tell tales. The theme of the opera is able to introduce different kind of Chinese Opera to the audiences. I am greatly impressed by the band which able to give powerful melodies which are comparable to Chinese Orchestra. All thanks to the professional musician who had contributed to this play. Famous male opera masters are able to act as female role very well. I hope that more interesting Chinese Opera will be cast in the future.
Title: SPIRITS (Chinese Opera)
Performed in five forms of Chinese Opera with English and Chinese subtitles
Venue: Victoria Theatre
Date: June 3, 2005
Time: 8PM
Duration: 100minutes (No intermission)
Due to the season of brilliance, Singapore Arts Festival from 26 May – 26 June 2005. SPIRITS (Chinese Opera) is one of the showcases to represent new revolution of local traditional Opera. This excellence play was brought to us by Toy Factory (Singapore’s leading bilingual theatre company), written by Koh Teng Liang and was directed by the Singapore’s award-winning director, Goh Boon Teck.. The play ran in contemporary theatrical styles with the traditions of five Chinese Opera forms. The cast of female roles were performed by NAN DAN and the five famous male opera master, namely, Lin Shaoling, Qing ZhanBao, Ou Yang Bing Wen, Ma Zijun and Lin Jia as Bao Si (Zhou Dynasty), Lu Hou (Han Dynasty), Yu Xuan Ji (Tang Dynasty), Ke Shi (Ming Dynasty), Sai Jin Hua (Qing Dynasty) in the play respectively. This play was divided into five acts which showed the five infamous beauties in Chinese history, whose tragic fates were intertwined with the destinies of fallen empires. These beauties were recognised as evil spirits who were despised and condemned by history. The play was enhanced with new age sound, light and movement effects to revitalise Chinese opera.
Stage Design
The first glance of the stage is based on the simplicity concept with no colourful background or fascinated props. Pure white squarish platform and 2 mechanical equipments by the left side. A lot of lighting and spot light is held on the stages to provide brilliance light effect. The platform was used for the animation graphic to be projected on it. The 2 mechanical elevators were used to perform as higher ground. The background of the stage gave a pitch dark feeling, with total contrast from the white platform to give an eerie effect.
The supporting band was more liked a rock and jazz band for Chinese Opera. Western instruments were introduced. Electric bass guitar with add-on effect device was used in order to produce special effects. Saxophone, clarinet and trumpet were then used to substitute “di zi”. With a jazzy effect of combination of western tunes into Chinese Opera gave the whole play an unique style. Violin was also been used to replace “Er wu” in the Chinese orchestra. The Violin effect gave an eerie feeling like the Japanese movie “the ring”. It produced high pitch with piercing effect and created a scaring feeling to the audiences. Drum set was used to replace the “Gongs” of the traditional Chinese orchestra which was too able to give the same effects. The tempo and melody were more acceptable by the young audiences. The overall music gave a professional and new age concert live band as compare to the Chinese orchestra. The band members are all professional musicians to come together and create a different taste in Chinese Opera.
Costumes Design
The dressing and head gear were redesign to suit the current style and gave a more trendy and fashionable image. The whole costume gave a Korean or Japanese style. But some important props were still retain like pian zi, long sleeves etc.
Personal views on the whole play
With the help of the lighting effect, lights were shine on each role who was been introduced to the audiences. This gave us a clearer view on each and every role played in this play.
Start off with Bao Si (Li Yuan Opera) Act 1. Interesting graphics were displayed on the platform. With the realistic and thunderous tunes produce by the band gave a refreshing feeling. I can feel that technology had been greatly modernise this Chinese Opera. Fire graphic was projected on the platform to indicate the surrounding on fire. In traditional opera, you will never get a chance to see this kind of fantastic effect to simulate the fire scene. Smoke effect was also integrated into the show to make it more realistic. Wu Sheng were elevated to higher ground and a mirror was used to reflect light on Bao Si, indicating to the audiences that she was the cause of the fallen empire. Bao Si was therefore recognised as the culprit of this disaster.
Second Part: Lu Hou (Peking Opera) Act 2. Excellent sound effect was used to enhance the acrobatic fighting scene especially by using the drum melody, it provided an impact and exciting scene. Using the western instrument, saxophone gave a jazzy tunes which able to represent sadness, love relationship, the loneliness of a woman. As Lu Hou did mention, “after all she still a woman”. These sentence shows how depress and sorrow she had undergo. Violin, western instrument was used to enhance the chaos scene in this Act 2. It successful elaborated a Confusion and chaotic feeling. Not only visually view of the actors to understand the scene, the sound effect is able to bring audience into deeper thoughts and reality.
Third Part: Yu XuanJi (Cantonese Opera) Act 3. The scene starts off with the flowing water from graphic on the platform and sound effect. The band provide a smooth and soothing tune for the appear of the Yu XuanJi. The actor costume is beautified with an addition bring red long cloth. New concept of this style is not found on tradition opera. The way of singing sound like sentimental song, and I feel this can be more accepted by young audiences. With the nice melody produce by the band to support the romantic song sung by Yu XuanJi. Wu Sheng bring out simple white westernise chairs to act as table of different guest on stages to illustrate the interaction of Yu XuanJi with the men. “priceless treasures are easy to find, True love are external search”, this sentence is mention many times when Yu XuanJi show her thought to the audiences. Yu XuanJi remove her head gear and knee on the ground, spin her long hair to bring across injustices situation. This scene cast traditional Chinese Opera style.
Fourth Part: Keshi (Huangmei Opera) Act 4. The falling flower petals and sky is display on the platform. With more effect, Wu Sheng had been elevated to higher ground and let small pieces of paper to be drop on the stages which give a more realistic view. New age dance is introducing here, Keshi and eunuch interaction with a long piece of cloth. Seem like western dancing style. Wu Sheng as guards appear on stages with real grass cutter machine to demonstrate the term “斩 草 除 根” means must attack your enemy from their root or base in order to eliminate it completely . This is a daring action to integral this to Chinese Opera. I was quite shock to see this on stage.
Fifth Part: Sai Jinhua (Yu Opera) Act 5. During the Qing Dynasty. (1832-1904), German allied Forces had influence China. Wu Sheng appears on stage with western dress code. And the style and performance they did are like foreign soldiers. The band can provide a 360 turn from a Chinese Opera to a western drama. Indirectly, the scene is trying to bring across to the audiences. During Qing Dynasty, the foreign have cause changes in China.
Ending with the Wu Sheng perform their attractive acrobatic skill with rods and flags. The synchronised scene of the start and the end with the five female roles to speak individually. Finally the five female roles stand in a row with neo light shine on their faces with all the lighting off. Which give a magnificent closing with ghostly feel. The performance team is invited on stages to meet the audiences.
Audience Response
It was observed that some scene had won overwhelming claps by the audiences. Due to the loud music and high pitch for certain scene, some audiences have to cover their ears. Most of the audiences concentrate on the play as if they had travel back to the past and experience the historical stories. Age group of the audiences are mainly in their 30-40. Some students, even foreigners had attended this opera show.
Recommendations of Improvement
Is good to be daring over revisiting Chinese Opera to attract new audiences to this showcase. But overdoing will worsen the purpose. This new Style of Chinese Opera might not be acceptable by some audiences. Maybe the director can remove some extreme modernise scene. As for the westernised band should cooperate with Chinese orchestra. I personally feel that some scene cannot be done without traditional tune and melody. With the westernised tune, the feeling on the scene is totally different from the actual one. Maybe the band can introduce new instruments but retain the traditional orchestra.
This showcase had opened up my narrow view on Chinese Opera. I am able to appreciate and accept Chinese Opera as an interesting art form, a meaningful and artistic way to tell tales. The theme of the opera is able to introduce different kind of Chinese Opera to the audiences. I am greatly impressed by the band which able to give powerful melodies which are comparable to Chinese Orchestra. All thanks to the professional musician who had contributed to this play. Famous male opera masters are able to act as female role very well. I hope that more interesting Chinese Opera will be cast in the future.
Flight shortest path algorithm
//arrayofflights is the array of the unique flights
//resultarray2d is a 2 dimension array to store all possible route from startcity to endcity
// ex: result[][],
// result[1] indicate the array of one possible route which may include result[1][0], result[1][1],result[1][2],result[1][3],
// means cusotmer need to take four flight to reach the endcity
Class mc{
private arrayofflights;
private startcity, endcity, starttime, endtime;
private resultarray2d;
public class mc();
public class mc(rs, sc, ec,st,et){
arrayofflights = rs;
startcity = sc;
endcity = ec;
starttime = st;
endtime = et;
public 2darray findallpossibleroute(){
resultarray2d = findroute(arrayofflights, startcity, endcity, starttime, endtime, resultarray2d, 0 );
resultarray2d = remove all the arrays in the resultarray2d which last elment is the not endcity
private 2darray findroute(rs, sc, ec, st, et, resultary, index){
find all the fligts satisfy the sc, st, et condition, and not appear in the resultary[index] before
if (only one outcome){
append the outcome flight at the end of the resultary[index]
if (the only outcome != ec)
resultary = findroute(rs, newsc, ec, newst, et, resultary, index);
return resultary;
else if(no outcome){
return resultary;
else if (outcome more one){
first,set the corresponding ary value of outcomes to true
copy the resultary[index] into a temparray
for each element of outcome{
newarry = temparray+element
insert the newarry to the newindex position of resultary
if (the element != ec)
resultary = findroute(rs, newsc, ec, newst, et, resultary, newindex);
return resultary;
public ~class mc();
//resultarray2d is a 2 dimension array to store all possible route from startcity to endcity
// ex: result[][],
// result[1] indicate the array of one possible route which may include result[1][0], result[1][1],result[1][2],result[1][3],
// means cusotmer need to take four flight to reach the endcity
Class mc{
private arrayofflights;
private startcity, endcity, starttime, endtime;
private resultarray2d;
public class mc();
public class mc(rs, sc, ec,st,et){
arrayofflights = rs;
startcity = sc;
endcity = ec;
starttime = st;
endtime = et;
public 2darray findallpossibleroute(){
resultarray2d = findroute(arrayofflights, startcity, endcity, starttime, endtime, resultarray2d, 0 );
resultarray2d = remove all the arrays in the resultarray2d which last elment is the not endcity
private 2darray findroute(rs, sc, ec, st, et, resultary, index){
find all the fligts satisfy the sc, st, et condition, and not appear in the resultary[index] before
if (only one outcome){
append the outcome flight at the end of the resultary[index]
if (the only outcome != ec)
resultary = findroute(rs, newsc, ec, newst, et, resultary, index);
return resultary;
else if(no outcome){
return resultary;
else if (outcome more one){
first,set the corresponding ary value of outcomes to true
copy the resultary[index] into a temparray
for each element of outcome{
newarry = temparray+element
insert the newarry to the newindex position of resultary
if (the element != ec)
resultary = findroute(rs, newsc, ec, newst, et, resultary, newindex);
return resultary;
public ~class mc();
This report focus point is on the impact and future of IT in Singapore. With the fast pace, speedy advancement of technology, especially in the IT aspect will grow even faster. As Singapore has place a significant high priority for IT, willing to invest and integrate IT into many areas such as Education, commerce and defense etc. Future of IT in Singapore has been organized into a Masterplan, named iN2015 which look ahead of 10 years development of IT infrastructure and this plan will be revise annually due to the changes in technology. Regarding the future of IT, wireless technology will be one important key function to be improved to provide convenience and internet connectivity even on the move.
Challenge for professionals to carry out this Masterplan to reality. Singapore has the advantage of local available IT talents to support and the ability to achieve availability of affordable and fast broadband. Eventually would benefit various industries and economic sectors in Singapore. Beneficiate such as games developers and animation studios will be able to transfer huge multimedia documents within Singapore or to foreign countries. Strong network infrastructure and data centers will attract more foreign investors to expand their business in Singapore.
Security issues, cyber threats will also be arising due to economic growth. Better implementation of security is required to protect e-commerce, valuable digital data.
Digital home
“Digital home” house integrated with digital lock such as biometric fingerprint devices. Better security and easy access to theirs home. No more worries of misplacing home keys. For added features, the digital lock has function like automatic lock-down of the door after a few unsuccessful tries, built-in alarms that sound when door is not close properly. Install internet camera, allow live remote monitoring of the housing while owner is at work.
Singaporeans prefer to work on computer with internet access. Even online shopping had become popular. Consider very convenient and just view and purchase products by a few mouse clicks. Online job seeking is also efficient, a lot of company willing to pay a low price to post hiring articles on the web site as compare to newspaper. And the documents like resumes can be sent and communication between employer and employee via email. These online job seeking website also provide service to email employee of any latest available jobs which matches their qualification. Payment of taxes, water and electricity bills can be process online through secure e-payment service. Singaporeans depend heavily on internet access.
PDA phone
PDA phones are set to get even smaller and trendier. Beside the practical usage as a planner and a phone, the new model does provide huge storage space for video or mp3 media. PDA phone provide convenience to allow user to check email, watch full-length of movies, read PDF documents instantly. These great features make the user more work efficient and not bounded inside the office.
Voice over internet protocol
With the roll out of (VOIP) voice over internet protocol, user can make overseas call with no trade off with the smooth and voice quality. There are available single portable phone-like device which doesn’t require a computer, all it need is to be connected to wireless network to make phone call anyway in the world. This will force big telecommunication company to rethink how they can handle competition from cheaper internet calls.
Wireless broadband
For those people who required to check email or make internet calls on the go, islandwide wireless network will soon be introduce to facilitate them. Offering speeds of at least 512kps which is faster than the current 3G’s technology which cap at 384kps. This speed is sufficient even for online video streaming application. Current 3G’s subscribers are more likely to switch over to this new islandwide wireless network as the price for 3G’s connectivity is rather high. Because the government is partly funding the islandwide wireless broadband service and its wants the local internet service providers to offer this service at a reasonable low cost. The government believe that eventually people will get used to be connected while they on the go. With new islandwide wireless network, existing 3G’s or wired broadband service providers would have to review their prices to fight against new entrant.
Business & E-commerce
More (SME) small medium enterprise IT-related companies will be establishing. Because increase in demand of IT-services such as software development, advertising, solution. A lot of innovative business can be created with the assistant of IT. Advertising on website is as efficient as other media like radio, magazine etc. Exists a lot of data management and finance software can be easily purchase by company, scrape away old tedious method of keeping records or generating company statistical reports. And many IT Firm can provide customized software which is more cost-efficient and satisfy wide range of customers. Nowadays, almost every company owns website which hold their organization information, contacts and business. End-user can easily access this information through the internet. Phone calling and searching over the yellow pages for information can be avoided. Another reason for the growth of IT Company in Singapore, software infrastructure required constant maintenance and upgrading. More IT-related jobs opportunities will be created.
For the wired network in school, offices and homes, current copper cables will be replace by fibre optics cables to achieve the surfing speed of 1Gbps. This new structure will attract more content-based firm to setup in Singapore.
Professionals within IT field
Although there are a lot of IT-related jobs, the job requirement is rather strict which request for a wide range of IT-skill including security certification and all those up-to-date knowledge of technology. In order to grab these jobs, one must get some addition IT-certifications to stand out from the rest. Even for the current IT-specialists and analysts, they must go for courses and talk about hacking/ethic/security issue. Since organization has adopted IT-plan, indirectly will create security threats from external and internal threats are more deadly. As important information is store in the database, protecting scheme must implement to prevent any leakage of this valuable data. Security investment can incurs much expenses will trade off with the advantages of IT. The current management skill is insufficient for managers and directors. Now company will look out for talent who is knowledgeable in IT-security and good business management skill. Company need managers to protect their assets, deploy IT-security and minimizes risks.
Cyber security
Faster speed for wired and wireless network indirect increase or invite more security issues. More users will subscribe to internet service and get connected even more frequently. Thus if there exist a widespread of virus, high percentage of internet users will be affected. Privacy issue will arise due to mass sharing of huge video or audio files over peer-to-peer application. As faster connectivity speed enable more illegal server to provide free mp3 download or movies. More accessibility to the internet also means open up more chances for hacker intrusion. Organization must implement secure network defense against any disastrous event. Home internet user should protect themselves with firewall and anti-virus program. With more mobility solutions, Anti-virus clients might become a must for all smart phones like the PDA phone, palm devices.
The key of the impact and future of IT in Singapore is internet networking. With cheaper, faster internet access not only benefit end-user, also will attract more foreign media and content firm to setup in Singapore. Faster broadband will boost all kind of IT industries. With internet connectivity, E-business can achieve global market easier. Another aspect is the infrastructure in Singapore is reliable and robust, build up confidence for new IT firms to be established. Some industries will suffer in term of these new faster broadband. Telecommunication will face the competitive factor of new substitute, VOIP. Third generation service (3G) will be replace by new wireless broadband which able to achieve equivalent area coverage. Wireless broadband service will soon be launch, provide island-wide internet access, make phone calls via IP telephony, banking transaction which is practically anywhere and no worries about finding wireless hotspot.
Since fast internet service is provide at an affordable price, many existing company would want to restructure their business to make use of internet as a medium to reach their customers. Nowadays, computer users are able to accept online transaction of payment, getting digital form of information through the internet. They enjoy the convenience and benefits of internet. Therefore they do welcome more services such as billing system, purchasing of house can be process through the internet. For current employees to secure their job position, must attend IT-skill course to be able to handle the coming up new job scope.
Although eventually will increase the economic in Singapore, serious issue regarding cyber security will also be arise respectively. Therefore security measures and management must be part of the IT Masterplan, iN2015.
Digital Life, 24/01/2006, The Straits Times
Digital Life, 7/03/2006, The Straits Times
Digital Life, 14/03/2006, The Straits Times
This report focus point is on the impact and future of IT in Singapore. With the fast pace, speedy advancement of technology, especially in the IT aspect will grow even faster. As Singapore has place a significant high priority for IT, willing to invest and integrate IT into many areas such as Education, commerce and defense etc. Future of IT in Singapore has been organized into a Masterplan, named iN2015 which look ahead of 10 years development of IT infrastructure and this plan will be revise annually due to the changes in technology. Regarding the future of IT, wireless technology will be one important key function to be improved to provide convenience and internet connectivity even on the move.
Challenge for professionals to carry out this Masterplan to reality. Singapore has the advantage of local available IT talents to support and the ability to achieve availability of affordable and fast broadband. Eventually would benefit various industries and economic sectors in Singapore. Beneficiate such as games developers and animation studios will be able to transfer huge multimedia documents within Singapore or to foreign countries. Strong network infrastructure and data centers will attract more foreign investors to expand their business in Singapore.
Security issues, cyber threats will also be arising due to economic growth. Better implementation of security is required to protect e-commerce, valuable digital data.
Digital home
“Digital home” house integrated with digital lock such as biometric fingerprint devices. Better security and easy access to theirs home. No more worries of misplacing home keys. For added features, the digital lock has function like automatic lock-down of the door after a few unsuccessful tries, built-in alarms that sound when door is not close properly. Install internet camera, allow live remote monitoring of the housing while owner is at work.
Singaporeans prefer to work on computer with internet access. Even online shopping had become popular. Consider very convenient and just view and purchase products by a few mouse clicks. Online job seeking is also efficient, a lot of company willing to pay a low price to post hiring articles on the web site as compare to newspaper. And the documents like resumes can be sent and communication between employer and employee via email. These online job seeking website also provide service to email employee of any latest available jobs which matches their qualification. Payment of taxes, water and electricity bills can be process online through secure e-payment service. Singaporeans depend heavily on internet access.
PDA phone
PDA phones are set to get even smaller and trendier. Beside the practical usage as a planner and a phone, the new model does provide huge storage space for video or mp3 media. PDA phone provide convenience to allow user to check email, watch full-length of movies, read PDF documents instantly. These great features make the user more work efficient and not bounded inside the office.
Voice over internet protocol
With the roll out of (VOIP) voice over internet protocol, user can make overseas call with no trade off with the smooth and voice quality. There are available single portable phone-like device which doesn’t require a computer, all it need is to be connected to wireless network to make phone call anyway in the world. This will force big telecommunication company to rethink how they can handle competition from cheaper internet calls.
Wireless broadband
For those people who required to check email or make internet calls on the go, islandwide wireless network will soon be introduce to facilitate them. Offering speeds of at least 512kps which is faster than the current 3G’s technology which cap at 384kps. This speed is sufficient even for online video streaming application. Current 3G’s subscribers are more likely to switch over to this new islandwide wireless network as the price for 3G’s connectivity is rather high. Because the government is partly funding the islandwide wireless broadband service and its wants the local internet service providers to offer this service at a reasonable low cost. The government believe that eventually people will get used to be connected while they on the go. With new islandwide wireless network, existing 3G’s or wired broadband service providers would have to review their prices to fight against new entrant.
Business & E-commerce
More (SME) small medium enterprise IT-related companies will be establishing. Because increase in demand of IT-services such as software development, advertising, solution. A lot of innovative business can be created with the assistant of IT. Advertising on website is as efficient as other media like radio, magazine etc. Exists a lot of data management and finance software can be easily purchase by company, scrape away old tedious method of keeping records or generating company statistical reports. And many IT Firm can provide customized software which is more cost-efficient and satisfy wide range of customers. Nowadays, almost every company owns website which hold their organization information, contacts and business. End-user can easily access this information through the internet. Phone calling and searching over the yellow pages for information can be avoided. Another reason for the growth of IT Company in Singapore, software infrastructure required constant maintenance and upgrading. More IT-related jobs opportunities will be created.
For the wired network in school, offices and homes, current copper cables will be replace by fibre optics cables to achieve the surfing speed of 1Gbps. This new structure will attract more content-based firm to setup in Singapore.
Professionals within IT field
Although there are a lot of IT-related jobs, the job requirement is rather strict which request for a wide range of IT-skill including security certification and all those up-to-date knowledge of technology. In order to grab these jobs, one must get some addition IT-certifications to stand out from the rest. Even for the current IT-specialists and analysts, they must go for courses and talk about hacking/ethic/security issue. Since organization has adopted IT-plan, indirectly will create security threats from external and internal threats are more deadly. As important information is store in the database, protecting scheme must implement to prevent any leakage of this valuable data. Security investment can incurs much expenses will trade off with the advantages of IT. The current management skill is insufficient for managers and directors. Now company will look out for talent who is knowledgeable in IT-security and good business management skill. Company need managers to protect their assets, deploy IT-security and minimizes risks.
Cyber security
Faster speed for wired and wireless network indirect increase or invite more security issues. More users will subscribe to internet service and get connected even more frequently. Thus if there exist a widespread of virus, high percentage of internet users will be affected. Privacy issue will arise due to mass sharing of huge video or audio files over peer-to-peer application. As faster connectivity speed enable more illegal server to provide free mp3 download or movies. More accessibility to the internet also means open up more chances for hacker intrusion. Organization must implement secure network defense against any disastrous event. Home internet user should protect themselves with firewall and anti-virus program. With more mobility solutions, Anti-virus clients might become a must for all smart phones like the PDA phone, palm devices.
The key of the impact and future of IT in Singapore is internet networking. With cheaper, faster internet access not only benefit end-user, also will attract more foreign media and content firm to setup in Singapore. Faster broadband will boost all kind of IT industries. With internet connectivity, E-business can achieve global market easier. Another aspect is the infrastructure in Singapore is reliable and robust, build up confidence for new IT firms to be established. Some industries will suffer in term of these new faster broadband. Telecommunication will face the competitive factor of new substitute, VOIP. Third generation service (3G) will be replace by new wireless broadband which able to achieve equivalent area coverage. Wireless broadband service will soon be launch, provide island-wide internet access, make phone calls via IP telephony, banking transaction which is practically anywhere and no worries about finding wireless hotspot.
Since fast internet service is provide at an affordable price, many existing company would want to restructure their business to make use of internet as a medium to reach their customers. Nowadays, computer users are able to accept online transaction of payment, getting digital form of information through the internet. They enjoy the convenience and benefits of internet. Therefore they do welcome more services such as billing system, purchasing of house can be process through the internet. For current employees to secure their job position, must attend IT-skill course to be able to handle the coming up new job scope.
Although eventually will increase the economic in Singapore, serious issue regarding cyber security will also be arise respectively. Therefore security measures and management must be part of the IT Masterplan, iN2015.
Digital Life, 24/01/2006, The Straits Times
Digital Life, 7/03/2006, The Straits Times
Digital Life, 14/03/2006, The Straits Times
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation is advantageous because it is a "brute force" approach that is able to solve problems for which no other solutions exist. Unfortunately, this also means that it is computation intensive and best avoided if simpler solutions are possible. The most appropriate situation to use Monte Carlo methods is when other solutions are too complex or difficult to use.
User relevant feedback in search engine
User relevant feedback
User relevant feedback is performed with the help of the user by providing the list of relevant and irrelevant document name. With the document names input and the actual query, we will apply incremental method using Standard Rochio. The query vector will be shift toward the document known to be relevant and away from document known to be irrelevant. As the query is shifted, the query itself is expanded with new words added in.
>> Standard Rochio
For single word query, the query vector with the full size vocabulary needs to be formulated using the query weighting and normalized. Next, the set of all relevant and irrelevant documents are formulated into document vectors using index TFIDF weighting. Each relevant document vectors are normalized and average is obtained. The same is applied to the irrelevant document vectors. Using alpha, beta and gamma set at 1, 1 and 0.1 respectively in Standard Rochio and normalized, we can achieve the shifting of query vector. Each word in the shifted query vector has a newly assigned weight.
>> Query Weighting
>> TDIDF Weighting
Query expansion is done when the top ten words with the highest weight is appended into the initial query. The top ten words are listed with their weights and these words are appended to the initial query terms to refine the new search. We find it inappropriate to consider the initial query terms as one of the top ten words, hence the expanded word will exclude the initial query terms.
The same technique is applied to bi word query expansion. If the search query contains only single words, then we will only expand the query with top ten single words. If the search query contains only bi words, then we will only expand the query with top ten bi words. Lastly, if the search query contains both single and bi word, we will expand the query with both the top ten single and bi words.
User relevant feedback is performed with the help of the user by providing the list of relevant and irrelevant document name. With the document names input and the actual query, we will apply incremental method using Standard Rochio. The query vector will be shift toward the document known to be relevant and away from document known to be irrelevant. As the query is shifted, the query itself is expanded with new words added in.
>> Standard Rochio
For single word query, the query vector with the full size vocabulary needs to be formulated using the query weighting and normalized. Next, the set of all relevant and irrelevant documents are formulated into document vectors using index TFIDF weighting. Each relevant document vectors are normalized and average is obtained. The same is applied to the irrelevant document vectors. Using alpha, beta and gamma set at 1, 1 and 0.1 respectively in Standard Rochio and normalized, we can achieve the shifting of query vector. Each word in the shifted query vector has a newly assigned weight.
>> Query Weighting
>> TDIDF Weighting
Query expansion is done when the top ten words with the highest weight is appended into the initial query. The top ten words are listed with their weights and these words are appended to the initial query terms to refine the new search. We find it inappropriate to consider the initial query terms as one of the top ten words, hence the expanded word will exclude the initial query terms.
The same technique is applied to bi word query expansion. If the search query contains only single words, then we will only expand the query with top ten single words. If the search query contains only bi words, then we will only expand the query with top ten bi words. Lastly, if the search query contains both single and bi word, we will expand the query with both the top ten single and bi words.
SQL reporting
SELECT * FROM bibtex_entry AS TB, (SELECT bibtex_index , if(bibtex_key LIKE "%keyX%",1,0) AS F2, if(crossref LIKE "",1,0) AS F3, if(keywords LIKE "%science%",1,0) AS F4, if(doi LIKE "",1,0) AS F5, if(url LIKE "%",1,0) AS F6, if(citeseerurl LIKE "",1,0) AS F7, if(pdf LIKE "%D:\IO.pdf%",1,0) AS F8, if(comment LIKE "%-%",1,0) AS F9, if(owner LIKE "%astroart%",1,0) AS F10, if(timestamp LIKE "%09.09.2006%",1,0) AS F11, if(abstract LIKE "%nil%",1,0) AS F12, if(review LIKE "%no comment yet%",1,0) AS F13, if(year LIKE "%1999%",1,0) AS F14, if(author LIKE "%writer Lim%",1,0) AS F15, if(title LIKE "%new book 1 %",1,0) AS F16, if(volume LIKE "%2.3%",1,0) AS F17, if(number LIKE %100%,1,0) AS F18, if(pages LIKE "%100-200%",1,0) AS F19, if(series LIKE "%2.2%",1,0) AS F20, if(address LIKE "%ang mo kio%",1,0) AS F21, if(edition LIKE "%2%",1,0) AS F22, if(month LIKE "%july%",1,0) AS F23, if(note LIKE "%-%",1,0) AS F24, if(publisher LIKE "%johnson%",1,0) AS F25, if(editor LIKE "%ed-4%",1,0) AS F26 FROM bibtex_entry AS TB,book AS TYPE WHERE TB.bibtex_index = TYPE.bibtex_index ) AS P,book AS TYPE where TB.bibtex_index=TYPE.bibtex_index and TYPE.bibtex_index = P.bibtex_indexand (F0+F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10+F11+F12+F13+F14+F15+F16+F17+F18+F19+F20+F21+F22+F23+F24)>17
歌曲名:你怎么舍得我难过 歌手/乐队:黄品源
Am Dm
Dm Am
Dm F E
Am Dm
Dm Am
F E Am A
Dm G
C Am
Dm E
Am A
Dm G
C Am
Am Dm
Dm Am
Dm F E
Am Dm
Dm Am
F E Am A
Dm G
C Am
Dm E
Am A
Dm G
C Am
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Problem encountered with BibTeX tools
The reviews of various kinds of services implemented to facilitate the management of references share several common features such as the basic manipulation, import and export of BibTeX entries. These existing systems do benefit researchers, scientists and academic writers. Unfortunately these tools do not provide a more in-depth archive of BibTeX entries for multiple documents. It is because usually documents require incorporating different sets of BibTeX entries and users may want to keep track of references being used for a particular published paper. Moreover it would be neater to categorize BibTeX entries into groups accordingly to research areas, especially when researcher’s collection of references does cover a wide range of topics. Researcher may accidentally add in duplicated BibTeX entries into his own collection. For such cases, problems arise due to references update anomaly and the whole collection of bibliographic data will be in a mess.
JabRef does provide a wide range of BibTeX management features but this may create complexity for novice users. Also, JabRef enforces strict rules on the BibTeX fields, while users may prefer more flexibility in this feature. JabRef and Bibi operate on BibTeX files which means that users have to maintain multiple BibTeX files for multiple LaTeX documents respectively. However, it will be more efficient to store BibTeX entries into a database. Grouping of BibTeX only required storing the indexes of BibTeX entries. Application with integrated database allows user to dynamically create groups of BibTeX entries and export any particular group when required. Online reference management service allows users to retrieve their BibTeX entries easily as long as they have access to the Internet. However, a local BibTeX management tool is still valuable for users when there is no Internet access, such as traveling on a plane or probably when the writer is located in a rural area.
This project intends to develop a personal library system to provide more useful features which explicitly solve researcher’s encountered problem with BibTeX entries. Personal library aims to give researchers a simple direct tool with good user interface to manage their BibTeX entries and mechanism to detect and resolve duplicated BibTeX entries. Personal library stores BibTeX entries into a lightweight database which is more robust and efficient as compared to BibTeX file storage. Personal library allows researcher to categorize his references into groups and thus a structural approach to manage references. With the new generation of Web 2.0 concept, a Bibliography web portal is encouraged to be developed for further enhancements to the personal library system. The personal library system integrates with Bibliography web portal to provide greater flexibility for end-users. For example, users can choose to work with or without Internet access, and they have the choice to partially share their collection of references by uploading into the Bibliography web portal. When user is outside his work place, he can still retrieve his references through public computer which has Internet access. Researcher can synchronized his local copy of BibTeX entries to the remote database and also serve as an indirect references backup mechanism. Bibliography web portal supports the sharing of references, research information and paper-reviews. With both Personal library and Bibliography web portal, a more enriching user experience and better control of bibliographic data can be achieved.
JabRef does provide a wide range of BibTeX management features but this may create complexity for novice users. Also, JabRef enforces strict rules on the BibTeX fields, while users may prefer more flexibility in this feature. JabRef and Bibi operate on BibTeX files which means that users have to maintain multiple BibTeX files for multiple LaTeX documents respectively. However, it will be more efficient to store BibTeX entries into a database. Grouping of BibTeX only required storing the indexes of BibTeX entries. Application with integrated database allows user to dynamically create groups of BibTeX entries and export any particular group when required. Online reference management service allows users to retrieve their BibTeX entries easily as long as they have access to the Internet. However, a local BibTeX management tool is still valuable for users when there is no Internet access, such as traveling on a plane or probably when the writer is located in a rural area.
This project intends to develop a personal library system to provide more useful features which explicitly solve researcher’s encountered problem with BibTeX entries. Personal library aims to give researchers a simple direct tool with good user interface to manage their BibTeX entries and mechanism to detect and resolve duplicated BibTeX entries. Personal library stores BibTeX entries into a lightweight database which is more robust and efficient as compared to BibTeX file storage. Personal library allows researcher to categorize his references into groups and thus a structural approach to manage references. With the new generation of Web 2.0 concept, a Bibliography web portal is encouraged to be developed for further enhancements to the personal library system. The personal library system integrates with Bibliography web portal to provide greater flexibility for end-users. For example, users can choose to work with or without Internet access, and they have the choice to partially share their collection of references by uploading into the Bibliography web portal. When user is outside his work place, he can still retrieve his references through public computer which has Internet access. Researcher can synchronized his local copy of BibTeX entries to the remote database and also serve as an indirect references backup mechanism. Bibliography web portal supports the sharing of references, research information and paper-reviews. With both Personal library and Bibliography web portal, a more enriching user experience and better control of bibliographic data can be achieved.
Existing Bibtex Tools
JabRef [4] is an open source reference management software which is built on Java. JabRef manages references in native BibTeX format and supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. JabRef provides easy-to-use interface for editing BibTeX files and functionalities such as export, import, searching, and viewing of reference entries. JabRef has advanced features to import various BibTeX formats like BibTeXML, CSA, Biblioscape and Refer/Endnote etc. JabRef also allows customization on BibTeX fields and user-interface.
Bibi [5] named as the BibTeX Manager for editing and managing BibTeX files. Bibi is platform independent and developed in Java. Bibi provides common operations to maintain BibTeX entries and allow user to merge multiple BibTeX files with duplication detection. Bibi can ensure BibTeX file conforms BibTeX syntax and able to automatically generate keys for all entries. Conversion of BibTeX file to XML format is another tool Bibi provides.
CiteULike [6] is a free online service for academics. CiteULike provides features to allow users to easily added paper citation details into their own personal library and sharing of references with others. Furthermore user can export his own library to BibTeX or Endnote format for incorporating references into their documents. CiteULike has grouped references into different academic departments which allow users to post articles and discuss on a particular topic.
Connotea [7], similar to CiteULike, is a social bookmarking tool which provides online reference management services. Connotea allows users to bookmark any webpage they choose and for those which Connotea recognizes, it will automatically retrieve metadata of that particular webpage that is bookmarked. Connotea also introduces tagging of user’s articles which builds up a folksonomy [8]. Connotea also provides RSS feeds to update users on interesting articles posted.
DBLP [9] “Digital Bibliography & Library Project”, a website holds huge amount of computer science journals and proceedings. DBLP does not archive the actual documents. However DBLP indexes the details of published papers and serves as an information provider to facilitate researchers.
Bibi [5] named as the BibTeX Manager for editing and managing BibTeX files. Bibi is platform independent and developed in Java. Bibi provides common operations to maintain BibTeX entries and allow user to merge multiple BibTeX files with duplication detection. Bibi can ensure BibTeX file conforms BibTeX syntax and able to automatically generate keys for all entries. Conversion of BibTeX file to XML format is another tool Bibi provides.
CiteULike [6] is a free online service for academics. CiteULike provides features to allow users to easily added paper citation details into their own personal library and sharing of references with others. Furthermore user can export his own library to BibTeX or Endnote format for incorporating references into their documents. CiteULike has grouped references into different academic departments which allow users to post articles and discuss on a particular topic.
Connotea [7], similar to CiteULike, is a social bookmarking tool which provides online reference management services. Connotea allows users to bookmark any webpage they choose and for those which Connotea recognizes, it will automatically retrieve metadata of that particular webpage that is bookmarked. Connotea also introduces tagging of user’s articles which builds up a folksonomy [8]. Connotea also provides RSS feeds to update users on interesting articles posted.
DBLP [9] “Digital Bibliography & Library Project”, a website holds huge amount of computer science journals and proceedings. DBLP does not archive the actual documents. However DBLP indexes the details of published papers and serves as an information provider to facilitate researchers.
BibTeX is a tool and file format used to describe a list of references. Publishing of scientific documents leads to the expansion of researcher’s collection of bibliographic data and most of these references are BibTeX entries. Through the manual way to handle BibTeX entries would be a tedious and time-consuming task for researchers. Therefore numerous projects are developed on BibTeX for better management of references in native BibTeX format. Usually, these projects implement software that come with convenient user interface for researchers to manage their BibTeX files. Most of the existing BibTeX tools provide common operations such as editing, viewing, import and export of BibTeX entries. Other BibTeX programs do provide features like conversion of BibTeX files to other formats such as xml and html. Besides BibTeX management software, plenty of web portals are developed to form online community which build bibliography database to facilitate searching and sharing of references for researchers. Through users contribution of references and additional information such as paper reviews and comments, useful and interesting statistic result regarding publishing of document can be discovered.
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